Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Home work(Active-passive)

NIM : 1622-201-051 (TEKNIK SIPIL)

                          SIMPLE  : (Active) Anton renovates house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina is renovated by Anton.
                  CONTINOUS : (Active) Anton is renovating house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina is being renovated by Anton.
                        PERFECT : (Active) Anton has renovated house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina has been renovated by Anton.
PERFECT CONTINOUS : (Active) Anton has been renovating house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina has been being renovated by Anton.


                           SIMPLE : (Active) A foreman built a building.
                                          : (Passive) A building was being built a foreman.

                  CONTINOUS : (Active) A foreman building a bulding.
                                          : (Passive) A bulding was being built a foreman.

                        PERFECT : (Active) A foreman had built a bulding.
                                          : (Passive) A bulding had been built a foreman.

PERFECT CONTINOUS : (Active) A foreman had been building a bulding.
                                          : (Active) A bulding had been being built a foreman.


                           SIMPLE :(Active) My father will build a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will be built by my father.

                  CONTINOUS :(Active) My father will be building a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will be being built by my father.

                        PERFECT :(Active) My father will have built a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will have been being built by my father.

PERFECT CONTINOUS :(Active) My father will have been building a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will have been being built by my father.


                           SIMPLE :(Active) My mother would cut vegetables.
                                          :(Passive) Vegetables would be cut by my mother.

                  CONTINOUS :(Active) My mother would be cutting vegetables.
                                          :(Passive) Vegetables would be being cut by my mother.

                        PERFECT :(Active) My mother would have cut vegetables.
                                          :(Passive) Vegetables would have been cut by my mother.

PERFECT CONTINOUS :(Active) My mother would have been cutting vegetables.
                                          :(Passive)Vegetables would have been being cut by my mother.

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