Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

contoh cv

Probo Situlangit, S.E
Graduate of Jakarta University
A. Personal Details
Name                         : Probo Situlangit
Address                     : Jl. Diponegoro Dalam No. 22
Place, Date of Birth  : Jakarta, September 9th, 1990
Gender                      : Male
Marital Status            : Single
Nationality                 : Indonesian

B. Eductional Background
1. (1997) - State Elementary School - SDN 1 ~ Jakarta
2. (2000) - State Junior High School - SMPN 12 ~ Jakarta
3. (2003) - State Senior High Scholl - SMKN 42 ~ Jakarta
4. (2007) - Accounting Degree University of Jakarta with GPA 3,35

C. Communication skills
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills both in an office environment and with external
- Experienced at giving presentations to large audiences.
- Good telephone manner

D. Computer skills
- Proficient with Microsoft Office programmes, Outlook, Internet Explorer and Project.
  Also competent with sector specific software packages.

E. Language Proficiency
Indonesian : Native
English        : Good (Daily Conversation)

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