Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017



contoh job aplication

Jakarta, 28 Januray, 2016
The Human Resources and Administration Head
Inara Lightings, Ltd.
Bekasi, Indonesia

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to explore the possibility of employment as Document Controller in your reputable firm. I am a Computer Science graduate of the Universitas Negeri Jakarta. I bring with me several years of experience as information systems analyst of leading companies that include Honda Motor Indonesia, Inc.
My strong computer skills, knowledge of modern word processing software, and project management tools are but some of the things that make me an asset to your company.
Attached is my resume for your perusal. Should you require any further information, I can be reached at 085713xxx, or email at

Rini Rosyidah

contoh cv

Probo Situlangit, S.E
Graduate of Jakarta University
A. Personal Details
Name                         : Probo Situlangit
Address                     : Jl. Diponegoro Dalam No. 22
Place, Date of Birth  : Jakarta, September 9th, 1990
Gender                      : Male
Marital Status            : Single
Nationality                 : Indonesian

B. Eductional Background
1. (1997) - State Elementary School - SDN 1 ~ Jakarta
2. (2000) - State Junior High School - SMPN 12 ~ Jakarta
3. (2003) - State Senior High Scholl - SMKN 42 ~ Jakarta
4. (2007) - Accounting Degree University of Jakarta with GPA 3,35

C. Communication skills
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills both in an office environment and with external
- Experienced at giving presentations to large audiences.
- Good telephone manner

D. Computer skills
- Proficient with Microsoft Office programmes, Outlook, Internet Explorer and Project.
  Also competent with sector specific software packages.

E. Language Proficiency
Indonesian : Native
English        : Good (Daily Conversation)

Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017

facture/invoice sample

Memo to coworkers sample

To: All Staff and Interns
From: Ana Lucily, Executive Assistant to the President
Date: July 15, 2012
Subject: Dishes in the Sink

It has come to our attention that there has been a pile of unwashed dishes that accumulates in the sink by the end of each week. It has gotten so bad that washing one’s hands in the kitchen sink becomes an uncomfortable undertaking. Therefore, we are introducing a new policy that mandates that employees wash their dishes as soon as they are done with them, keeping the sink clear for other uses.

If you do not have the time to wash your lunch container or coffee mug, leave it by your desk until you are ready to wash it. Even two or three dirty plates will encourage every person thereafter to leave their unwashed, food-stained dishes and silverware in the sink. Conversely, studies have shown that when a sink is empty, people are more likely to wash their dishes immediately.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Ana Lucily

Downloaded from

memo to customers sample

To: Customers of Chloe’s Cupcakes
From: Dan Lionel, Public Relations Liaison
Date: May 12, 2012
Subject: Publication of Nutrition Facts

Due to extensive customer feedback, we at Chloe’s Cupcakes would like to demonstrate our commitment to making healthy choices by publishing nutrition information for all of our baked goods. Although our stores would not be required by law to provide the nutrition facts of our products, we agree that customers should have access to as much information as they desire before making a purchase.

We are confident that that you, the customer, will feel better about choosing Chloe’s Cupcakes once you are aware of these facts. We are committed to use the best locally grown ingredients in our baked goods, and we freshly prepare all of our desserts each morning. Moreover, we have a line of vegan treats that substitute some of the highest-calorie ingredients in non-vegan goods with healthier options—while still delivering great flavor. For those customers who are looking to splurge, we have an exquisite selection of decadent treats too, including our famous crème brûlée macaroon sundae.

All of our nutrition information will be available online, along with a list of ingredients and possible substitutes for those with dietary restrictions. We will also provide pamphlets in stores with the same information, to be updated periodically. As it is cumbersome to obtain accurate nutritional analyses of handmade food products, we are unable to guarantee access to nutritional information for seasonal flavors and promotional items.

Dan Lionel

Memo to business sample

To: Employees of Wally’s Widgets
From: Casey Smith, Manager of Greg’s Gadgets
Date: June 20, 2013
Subject: New location!

Dear Widgets Team,

Here at Greg’s Gadgets, we’re so excited to have you all on board and we embark on this new adventure. When Wally first approached us about a potential merger, Greg and I couldn’t wait to get on board! We’ve long admired the craftsmanship put into every one of Wally’s products, and we can’t wait to become one big Widget/Gadget family.

Since we’re going to outgrow our current locations, I wanted to give everyone over at Wally’s an update on our search for an office big enough to hold our team:

We’ve found a beautiful new location and have signed a lease!

Our new building is located at 1624 Addison Ave. in beautiful downtown Stannisburg, very close to shops and restaurants. The building is only one block from the train station and a half a mile away from a car-free bike path (great news for those two-wheeled commuters among us!). I’ve attached photos to this email so you can check out your new home away from home.

Debbie, our director of HR, will be emailing everyone with more information about how to get your ID badges and parking passes. Our first day of work will be July 1, and there will be an all-staff meeting at 9 am sharp. I’m excited to see everyone there!


Inquiry letter sample

Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Phone Number
Individual's Name
Job Title
Name of Organization
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:
Perhaps you are seeking an addition to your marketing team. A new person can provide innovative approaches to the challenges of marketing. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success.
Presently, I am marketing computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news advertising. I have a reputation for putting forth the effort required to make a project succeed.
Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call you to further discuss my talents and how I can benefit your company. If you prefer, you may reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.
(Your Signature in blue or black ink)
Your typed name
Source: Creative Job Search, a publication of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Selasa, 04 Juli 2017


Date : Fri, 19 may 2017
NIM                : 1622-201-051

At the picture above, there are some people are doing the work that is measuring the area of the building by using a theodorit measuring device, this is called surveyor.
            Surveying or land surveying is the technique, proffesion, and science of determining the terrestrial or there – dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them, a land surveying professional is called aland surveyor.
            Surveyors work with elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics, engineering, metrology, programming languages and the law.
They use equipment like total stations, robotic total stations, GPS receivers, retroreflectors, 3D scanners, radios, handheld tablets, digital levels, subsurface locators, GIS and surveying software, unmanned aircraft.

The word search on dictionary :
Angles               :   Sudut
Aircraft              : Pesawat
Aland                 : Sebuah daratan
Crewman           : Awak
Device                : Alat
Determining       : Menentukan
Equipment          : Peralatan
Hanheld              : Genggam
Unmanned          : Tak berawak

Physics               : Fisika


Date : fri, 24 march 2017
NIM                : 1622-201-051

An invoice is a document that itemizes a transaction between a buyer and a seller. Invoices can also be called bills or statements.
While most invoices today are transmitted electronically, they still provide a paper trail that lists all of a purchase’s pertinent details, including the quantity, price, date, parties, taxes, and a unique invoice number. Invoices also specify the terms of any credit transaction, including acceptable payment methods.
It’s important than invoices be accurate and complete. They secure a business’s payments, and they provide clarity and protection when the books are wrong or the IRS calls.
When a company sends an invoice to a customer, the invoice also serves to track inventory. Payment expected at a later date becomes an account payable for the buyer and an account receivable for the seller. Invoices are also important tools used by freelancers and contract workers to get paid and track their earnings.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Construction Of Taj Mahal

Construction Of Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal was constructed over a period of twenty-two years, employing twenty thousand workers. It was completed in 1648 C.E. at a cost of 32 million rupees. The construction documents show that it’s master architect was Ustad ‘Isa, the renowned islamic architect of his time. The documents contain names of those employed and the inventoryof construction materials and the origin. Expert craftsmen from Delhi, Qannauj, Lahore, and Multan were employed. In addition, many renowned Muslim craftsman from Baghdad, Shiraz and Bukhara worked on many specialized tasks. The mausoleum isa part of a vast complex comprising of main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque(to the left), a guest house(to the right), and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jumna behind it. The large garden contains for reflecting pools dividing it at the center. Each of the these for sections is futher subdivided into four sections and thean each into yet another for sections. Like the Taj, the garden elements serve like Arabesque, standing on their own and also constituting the whole.
The minarets have an octagonal base and cylindrical body tapering to an eight-sided open pavilion. The body of the minarets is sectioned by three balconies which create shadows and interestin an otherwise plain design. An exquisite band of marble inlay. And geometric patterns sporting the chevron design encircle the minaret below the top balcony. The summit of the gold gilded finial perched on the top of the dome of the Taj Mahal reaches two hundred and twenty feet(67 meters) above the ground. At the top sits a lotus bud and under this is a water pot. This arrangement was adapted to the Islamic domain fromthe 12th century.
It’s function is purely decorative, accompanying the form of the dome.

Konstruksi Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal dibangun selama dua puluh dua tahun, mempekerjakan dua puluh ribu pekerja.Dan selesai pada 1648 Masehi dengan biaya 32 juta rupee. Dokumen konstruksi menunjukkan bahwa master arsitek adalah Ustad 'Isa, arsitek Islamic yang  terkenal pada zamannya. Dokumen mereka yang bekerja berisi nama bahan konstruksi dan asal inventory. pengrajin ahli dari Delhi, Qannauj, Lahore, dan Multan dipekerjakan. Selain itu, banyak pengrajin Muslim terkenal dari Baghdad, Shiraz dan Bukhara bekerja pada tugas-tugas khusus seperti,Makam isa yang luas di gerbang utama, taman yang rumit, sebuah masjid (ke kiri), rumah tamu (ke kanan), dan beberapa bangunan megah lainnya. Taj Mahal terletak di ujung terjauh dari kompleks ini, dan sungai Jumna di balik itu. Untuk mencerminkan keindahan taman besar dan kolam dibuat di pusat. Masing-masing bagian dibagi menjadi empat bagian dan masing-masing menjadi satu lagi untuk sebagian.
Menara memiliki basis segi delapan dan tubuh silindris meruncing ke paviliun terbuka delapan sisi. Tubuh menara yang dipotong oleh tiga balkon yang menciptakan bayangan dan interestin desain dinyatakan polos dengan lantai indah dari inlay marmer. Dan pola geometris olahraga desain chevron mengelilingi menara bawah balkon atas. Puncak yang finial berlapis emas bertengger di atas kubah Taj Mahal mencapai dua ratus dua puluh kaki (67 meter) di atas tanah. Di bagian atas duduk kuncup teratai dengan pot air. pengaturan ini diadaptasi ke domain Islam dari abad ke-12.Ini fungsi murni dekoratif, yang menyertai bentuk kubah.

Copyright by

Home work(Active-passive)

NIM : 1622-201-051 (TEKNIK SIPIL)

                          SIMPLE  : (Active) Anton renovates house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina is renovated by Anton.
                  CONTINOUS : (Active) Anton is renovating house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina is being renovated by Anton.
                        PERFECT : (Active) Anton has renovated house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina has been renovated by Anton.
PERFECT CONTINOUS : (Active) Anton has been renovating house Rina.
                                          : (Passive) House Rina has been being renovated by Anton.


                           SIMPLE : (Active) A foreman built a building.
                                          : (Passive) A building was being built a foreman.

                  CONTINOUS : (Active) A foreman building a bulding.
                                          : (Passive) A bulding was being built a foreman.

                        PERFECT : (Active) A foreman had built a bulding.
                                          : (Passive) A bulding had been built a foreman.

PERFECT CONTINOUS : (Active) A foreman had been building a bulding.
                                          : (Active) A bulding had been being built a foreman.


                           SIMPLE :(Active) My father will build a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will be built by my father.

                  CONTINOUS :(Active) My father will be building a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will be being built by my father.

                        PERFECT :(Active) My father will have built a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will have been being built by my father.

PERFECT CONTINOUS :(Active) My father will have been building a bridge.
                                          :(Passive) A bridge will have been being built by my father.


                           SIMPLE :(Active) My mother would cut vegetables.
                                          :(Passive) Vegetables would be cut by my mother.

                  CONTINOUS :(Active) My mother would be cutting vegetables.
                                          :(Passive) Vegetables would be being cut by my mother.

                        PERFECT :(Active) My mother would have cut vegetables.
                                          :(Passive) Vegetables would have been cut by my mother.

PERFECT CONTINOUS :(Active) My mother would have been cutting vegetables.
                                          :(Passive)Vegetables would have been being cut by my mother.